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Lykke av Moltemyr (N)

Lykke av Moltemyr (N), NFO n 22, born August 24th 2014
His mother is Ch Dini-Gyldenlove vom Arlesbrunnen NFO nt 24
and his father is Int Ch S*Nenya's Wolverine JW, NFO n 22

He just had to stay here with us !!

Lykke's pedigree on Pawpeds

Further down this page, you can see more photos of Lykke ;)))

New photos January 2016

Lykke av Moltemyr (N)

Health status

GSD IV negative (both parents negative)
PK Def normal (both parents normal)
HCM - Normal, September 2015
Weight 8 months old - 5 kilo

Photos of Lykke 0 - 12 weeks old here :)

Lykke 1,5 years old

Lykke 1 year old

Lykke - 1 year old and a proud father of 6 kitten :)

Lykke on Skogkattmesterskapet Mars 2015

Lykke got Ex 1 and NOM. He also was nominated for Best Boning by Raymond :)
not bad for a young boy in this competition :)

Lykke av Moltemyr (N), January 2015

Lykke 4 months old

Lykke Christmas 2014

Lykke - 11 weeks old

Lykke's mother
Ch Dini-Gyldenfields vom Arlesbrunnen NFO nt 24
GSD IV negative

Lykke's father
Int Ch S*Nenya's Wolverine JW, NFO n 22
GSD IV negative

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