Norwegian Forest Cats - av Moltemyr (N) - shows - 2005

We have been to Rorak's shows in Sandnes, October 8th and 9th 2005.
Mattis got EX 1 both days and BIV-Total on Sunday,
Mai and Juni got EX 1 both days and
Markus got EX 1 and BIV-Total Junior and he was also Nominated on Saturday

We have been to Verak's shows in Stokke, September 24th and 25th 2005.
av Moltemyr (N) was BIS-breed Kat II at Sunday

Mattis got EX 1 both days and he was Nominated on Sunday and
Mai got EX 1 both days and she was Nominated on Saturday.
Markus, who lives with Christina got EX 1 both days and he was Nominated on Sunday

We have been to SØRAK's shows in Kristiansand, August 13th and 14th 2005.
The litter was Best In Show both days.

Mattis EX 1, BIV-T and Nominated on Sunday.
He had EX 1 at Saturday, beaten by Mia at the Nomination
Mia EX 1 both days, BIV-T and Nominated on Saturday.
also Bruno, in Enkas litter, had EX 1, BIV-T and Nominated on Sunday
Further down this page, you can see a lot of photos from the shows ;)))

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NFO a 09 22, blue blotched tabby with white male

EX 1, BIV-Junior Total and he was Nominated
on Saturday at Rorak

EX 1 and he was Nominated
on Sunday at Verak

Markus and Christina at the show
More pictures of him at his homepage
av Fanitullen (N)


NFO ns 22, silver blotched tabby male

EX 1 and BIV on Sunday at Rorak

EX 1 and he was Nominated
on Sunday at Verak


NFO a 22, blue blotched tabby female
EX 1 and she was Nominated on Saturday at Verak

Mai at Verak's show.
She was nominated by
Kristina Rautio at Saturday

The picture to the left
is taken at Sørak's show by Fredrik Løvik

Mai and Juni got EX 1 both days at Rorak's show

Juni got EX 1 at Verak's show

Norwegian Forest cat, kitten, Juni on the show...

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