Agderkatten's show July 2nd 2011
Fields of Gold - EX 1, BIV, NOM and B*I*S
Judge Bette Lind (DK)
Hansakatten's show June 5th 2011
Fields of Gold - EX 1, BIV, NOM and B*I*S
Judge Stéphane Bernard (FR)
Hansakatten's show June 4th 2011
Fields of Gold - EX 1, BIV and NOM
Judge Kristiina Rautio (FI)
Rorak's show April 23th 2011
Fields of Gold - EX 1, BIV and NOM
Judge Gina Grob (L)
Rorak's show April 22th 2011
Fields of Gold - EX 1
Judge Leslie Morgan Blythe (A)
Berak's show February 20th 2011
Fields of Gold - EX 1, BIV, NOM and B*I*S
Judge Bette Lind (DK)
Berak's show February 19th 2011
Fields of Gold - EX 1, BIV and NOM
Judge Alexey Shchukin (NL)
Febuary 2011
Fields of Gold, 9 weeks old
Fields of Gold, 7 weeks old |
Fields of Gold, 5 weeks old |
Fields of Gold, 3 weeks old |
Fields of Gold, 2 weeks old |
Fields of Gold, 1 week old |
Fields of Gold's mother Ch Dini-Gyldenfields vom Arlesbrunnen NFO nt 24
GSD IV negative
Fields of Gold's father S*Redtails Prince Rilian, NFO ns 22
GSD IV negative |
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